Saturday, February 23, 2013

Skills I Would Love To Have

1. Be able to distinguish the differences between the calls of the Ivory-billed Woodpecker from the Ivory-billed Woodcreeper.

2. Correctly estimate the square-footage of every room I walk into. 

3. Open pickle jars on the first try.

4. Kill a spider without panicking.

5. Be able to have a water balloon fight at thirty-paces. 

6. Master pig-latin. 

7. Be able to be a professional 

8. Identify what brand of potpurri it is simply by smelling it. 

9. Be able to levitate. 

10. Do an impression of Morgan Freeman. 

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Am I the only one that feels this way?

You know that feeling when you find a TV show that you love instantly and you start obsessing over it and shipping the characters and go on tumblr and find cute gifs of them and it makes you want to cry because they're just so amazing? 

But then the show's directors and whatnot decide that they want to break the hearts of innocent US spectators because it's filmed in Canada and Canada is a jerk and doesn't let America watch the show anymore even though we all totally loved it and even petitions don't work because Canada is stupid?

And then you find another show to love and take the place of the other one even though nothing will ever fill the hole in your heart that the first show left?

And you find tumblrs completely dedicated to the new show and all of a sudden the internet is full of people that are just as obsessed over the show as you are and it's like you've been adopted into the ideal family?

But then the new show you love throws a huge plot twist in your face and you think "WELL IT TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH" and then you realize what they just did and you can't even deal and you hyperventilate and cry because it's just so great and it's finally happening?

But while you're celebrating this amazing occurrence the TV show makes you wait two more weeks for a new episode and you don't know what you do with your life anymore so you spend all of your time trying to figure out a way to speed up the earth's rotation therefore making time pass quicker so you can watch the new episode sooner?

You guys know that feeling?

(Or do I just take TV too seriously...)

Friday, February 1, 2013

Only the cutest thing you'll see all day.

 I was feeling a bit down, and then I got bored.

Warning: This post may cause you to hug and/or adopt your computer screen.

Oh goodness. A tiny rocking chair.

That's right. It's in a teacup. 

I can't deal.

Last, but certainly not least...

Like what the heck is this. It's too small to even function.