Monday, December 17, 2012

Glamorous Bigfoot and Baseball

I've always wanted to go to an Ugly Sweater Party.

The name is pretty self-explanatory: everyone wears the ugliest sweater they can find. (Genius, right?) The person with the ugliest sweater wins. I'm not sure if it's much of a 'win' though, seeing as everyone thought you were the ugliest... But you get the idea.

We could spend the rest of the party playing dumb games like Telepictionary, The Hat Game, etc. (Apples to Apples looks interesting.)

We could also play games like Personal Trivia Baseball and Sorts and Mingle, which would give us all a chance to get to know each other better.

We could also make s'mores and tell some of our favorite memories. Basically, the party would be pretty chill. And it would let us all learn more about each other and become closer friends. I think it could be really really fun.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

The Job Before My Real Job

I've always thought that working at Disneyland would be cool. Especially being one of the princesses there. That would be so much fun. I mean, you get paid to wear a beautiful dress and act like royalty. Totes ideal.

I'd want to be Rapunzel or Cinderella. Rapunzel because I admire her adventurous curiosity and her enthusiasm to explore. Cinderella because- I mean, she's Cinderella. She's like the princess, you know? 

Also, there's the bonus of Flynn Rider and Prince Charming.
Hopefully, the Flynn at Disneyland bears some resemblance
 to Zachary Levi who voiced the character.

And Prince Charming along the lines of Joshua Dallas.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Seasonal Depression

So apparently, I have seasonal depression. Yes, it's a real thing. -->

This is probably the reason why I hate Christmas. December is just a depressing month for me. I used to love Christmas, but now I hate it. It's rather sad really. It's not that I don't like presents or stuff like that, I just don't like Christmas.

This is quite difficult for me seeing as most of my friends love (like really really love) Christmas. And they love Christmas music, which is the bane of my existence. I cannot stand Christmas music, with the exception of a few of Michael Buble's songs and Justin Bieber's Mistletoe.

I'm not a fan of Christmas lights and decorations, either. I don't know what it is about Christmas trees and lighted reindeer that irks me, but I am very irked.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Thinking time!

Okay, people. Put on your thinking caps; it's go time.

But it's not the good kind of thinking; it's the bad kind of thinking that makes you get all nostalgic and reflective. (Unless you like that kind of thinking. I sure don't.)

   Are you afraid to show people the real you? If so, what's stopping you from being yourself? Are you afraid of being rejecting? Afraid of being typecast? Or are you just afraid of being different and unique?

   When was the last time you were yourself? I mean, really you. The person that you are inside. It's easy to be yourself when you're alone. When there's nobody to judge you. Nobody to make remarks about you. When there's no need to feel embarrassed. No need to feel restricted. But when was the last time you were yourself when you weren't alone?

   What was the situation? Did someone ask for your help or advice? Were you just hanging out and having fun? How did they react? Were they shocked? Welcoming? Nonchalant? How did you react? Were you happy with yourself? Do you regret it?
   Are you yourself when you're with your friends? With your parents? What about when you're with people that you don't know very well? When you're around your crush?

   So after you've answered those painfully contemplative questions... Enjoy this video. I swear, it'll never get old.