Saturday, March 1, 2014

Cringe Attacks and Doctor Whooves

*cue nostalgic background music*

I took the time to reread all of my blog posts because I thought, "Why not? Let's see how you've grown over the past year or so." 

But that was a terrible idea because then I had to face.....................


If you haven't suffered from a Cringe Attack, then you are NOT HUMAN. You're probably like a pony or a Time Lord or something. Maybe both. Idk. I'd see a Doctor about that. 

A Cringe Attack is one of the worst possible feelings known to man. It is unavoidable, unless you're capable of making smart decisions 24/7. In which case, you might be BeyoncĂ© and may be eligible for compensation. 

Cringe Attacks come out of literal nowhere. They form in a black hole at the edge of the universe and wait until you least expect it. And then BAM! Cringe Attack. 

There you are, aimlessly scrolling down your newsfeed... When suddenly, all you can think about is that time you mispronounced a word in front of your peers. Then it's all over, your day/week/month has been tainted by Cringe Essence. You will now hate yourself until you redeem yourself. But then you'll have another Cringe Attack and the process will repeat indefinitely. Soz. 

"Foreigners came cringing to me; as soon as they heard of me, they obeyed me." 2 Samuel 22:45

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